Welcome document

Welcome to the product innovation course! We’re excited to help you on your journey to becoming a great innovator and founder! 🀩

This is step 1 in the journey - begin by reading the welcome document below, and then work your way sequentially through the rest of the materials.

This whole section of the course is really about setting you up for success and giving you an overview of what is coming. The meaty bits start in the next section - but please don't skip the setup, it'll make the course way more valuable to you if you go through the beginning too.

If you ever need support, reach out to Anna at [email protected] or Andy at [email protected].

Or if you have any feedback, suggestions or criticism of the process - please reach out to one of us!

πŸŽ‰ Enjoy the ride. πŸŽ‰

Anna & Andy

Reading 1 - Welcome Document.pdf
Complete and Continue